About Me

Welcome to my blog. Thanks for dropping in. I am Lisa, I have been married to Chris for almost 9 years now, and we have two gorgeous girls, Eloise and Tabitha who are 8 and 6. Tabitha has a rare genetic disorder called Langer-Giedion syndrome (aka TRPS type II), which causes numerous health and developmental problems for her, but she is still a happy little girl and makes us smile all the time. I enjoy crafting, and have a rapidly expanding amount of crafting goodies, with not enough space to store them all! Contact me at lisa.seriousstamper@gmail.com

Friday 30 July 2010


Poor Tabitha. She doesn't get a break. Today, she was just milling around, doing what she does, and Ellie managed to trap her fingers in a door. I was very worried that she had broken something, but after giving her some time, she is using the finger without too much trouble, not complaining of pain, and can tolerate it being softly squeezed, so I think it's just badly bruised. Here's a picture of her poorly finger.

Poor Ellie was devastated she'd done this. She was just as upset as Tabitha. I know she wouldn't have done it on purpose for the world, so I just hope that now she will learn to keep her eyes open when she is closing doors. I've warned her so many times, but sometimes practical experience is the the only solution.

I am hoping to have a play with some crafting gear tonight, but I may not, it kind of depends what time I get Ellie to bed, and if there is anything I fancy on tv ;-)

Monday 26 July 2010

My first craft post

I wanted to show you what I made for the last day of school. I went to a Stampin' Up party and these were demonstrated, and I thought they were ideal treat boxes to give to Tabitha's helpers at school and her teacher. I made them and filled them with a selection of chocolates. I also made one for a little girl in Tabitha's class, who is the closest thing she has to a friend. I wanted to make sure she knew how much I appreciated what she did for Tabitha every day.

They are 2468 boxes, made from Very Vanilla cardstock, and stamped with the Simply Said set. The ribbon is Chocolate Chip, and the sentiments are from the Trendy Trees set of stamps.

Once I'd decided to do these for Tabitha, Ellie decided she needed some for her teachers too, so I had to make 10 in total. Here are the ones I made for her.

Two of these are in Whisper white, with three in Very Vanilla. They are stamped with either Simply Said, or Trendy Trees, and the ribbon fixing is Chocolate Chip again.

My husband told me I should label them so that people knew they had been made and not bought, but I don't have a stamp. I told him if he thought that, he should buy me a personalised stamp, after all there are websites that supply them. I'm now waiting to see if he took the hint. Fingers crossed. x

Sunday 25 July 2010

Viral interruptions.

I was hoping to be introducing my family properly today, but things have taken an unexpected turn. Tabitha is really quite poorly, with (I hope) a virus of some description. She has a very high temperature and is being quite sick. The sickness is all part of her condition, and anytime she gets unwell she starts being sick, as well as at times when she isn't unwell too! When a child is ill, the stress can cause some friction in a family, and Tabitha gets unwell a lot.....so today has been a little fraught. I am hoping it's a 24 hour thing, and tomorrow will be better. I'm supposed to be taking Ellie for swimming lessons every day this week, and that's going to be no fun if I have to take a sick child with me too!

This is a picture of my poorly girl today. Definitely not the usual active and boisterous child we have come to know and love.

Fingers crossed she a) gets better quickly and b) doesn't need to go to hospital, an ever present threat.

Saturday 24 July 2010

Sparkling Ears

Ellie had her ears pierced today. She has been asking us for ages if she could have it done, and we've held out until now. I told her she had to wait until the summer holidays so that they would have time to heal before she went back to school. So today we trotted off to get it done. She was as good as gold bless her, and never made a sound as they did it. Typically, she chose the most expensive earrings they did, but hey, she deserves a treat after all she puts up with. Here's a picture of her new ear.

Tabitha has been showing us her new skill which is two-switch scanning. She can use a two switch method of accessing her programmes on the computer now which is fantastic progress. Since she has had more specialised input from the PIMS team, she has made remarkable progess with her computer skills. I took a video of her showing her new skill, and here it is.

I will post more about our family shortly, I am getting used to this new format and am not quite sure I am doing everything right yet!